Friday, December 15, 2006

Consciously Creating Wealth

The documentary movie "The Secret" is superbly done! I wrote the book "Consciously Creating Wealth" in 1996 to let others know that you create your experiences with your thoughts! Marcus Aurelius is quoted as saying "Our life is what our thoughts make it."

Everything we have in our life right now depends solely on the power of our thoughts. Our thoughts have creative power, so to choose your thoughts wisely is so important. You can create magic with your thoughts!

Most individuals do not understand the tremendous power thought has - it is a very subtle force that can be used either for your good or your demise. If you continually have negative thoughts about your health, relationships or wealth, you will eventually create some adverse experience in your life. I have had so many people say they do not believe this and chalk up their experiences to what "God" wants for them or simply the luck of the draw. What they don't understand is that they are creating what they are experiencing whether they believe in the law of attraction or not.

Joe Vitale one of the teachers in "The Secret" has this to say about the book "Consciously Creating Wealth" - "I love this book. It's honest, practical, inspiring, and easy. Someone who read one of my books said this one would be a good companion. It is, and it's worth gold. Just take my word for it and GET IT!"

Not only do you want to become aware of your thoughts but also becoming aware of the type of emotion you attach to your thoughts. You can cancel out any positive thought by doubting that you can attract what you want or even after affirming what you want by beginning to figure out how to make it happen. For example: You affirm that you have $10,000.00 even though you don't have it in your experience right now. After you have set this thought in motion you begin calculating how you are going to pay your bills with the money you do have now which could be $1,000.00 for example. When you begin your juggling act by trying to figure out how to pay what and when with the $1,000.00 you cancel out the positive affirmation of the $10,000.00. Now what you want to do after affirming that you have $10,000.00 is to go along in your day with confidence that you are now willing to receive that sum of money. If you find your that you begin to calculate how you are going to pay your bills you simply say "Cancel" to that thought. Everytime you become aware of a sabotaging thought and say "Cancel" you come closer to realizing your goal.

My husband and I were both laid off from our jobs at the same time. We were among the first to feel the impact of large corporations downsizing. We had a huge house payment, luxury car payments and more. We thought we had no choice but to sell our home and possessions, so we would have money to live on. We had not learned the techniques for wealth yet, so we succumbed to the "poor me" trap. We went through our money very fast and were down to our last twenty five hundred dollars. I began reading several prosperity books, literally anything I could my hands on to show us how to create abundance. We applied some of the techniques that I had read about, and also some that I felt intuitively would work.

One day we were sitting in a restuarant in downtown Denver, and looked across the street to a quaint area filled with specialty shops. My husband said that it would be great to have a man's custom clothing shop in that area. After lunch we walked over to see if there was space available; we were told absolutely nothing was for lease and nothing was anticipated. We went home and began imagining that we had already opened a shop in that particular area. In the interim, I went to the library to research names of tailors in the United States that we could order fabric samples from and to gain knowledge about measuring individuals for custom shirts and suits. The companies we contacted each sent out a representative to teach us what we needed to learn to start a custom clothing business. There was no charge for the samples or the training, however we did have to guarantee a certain amount of business for the companies to supply us with materials. We continued to imagine owning our own shop for approximately another three weeks when suddenly I felt a desire to call again and inquire about space for lease. It turned out, the space we wanted was available, as the previous tenant decided not to renew their lease. The management gave us three days to decide if we wanted the space, so we acted immediately and had them draw up the lease. The deposit was two thousand dollars (just what we had left) and we were given one month's free rent, allowing us time to bring in money through sales. Before signing the lease the leasing agent wanted to pull up a credit report on us, have us sign a personal guarantee and to submit a financial statement. I told him we were signing the lease as corporate officers of the company so he didn't need to pull up a credit report and we would not sign a personal guarantee. As far as a financial statement went, we had not been in this type of business before so I simply submitted a dollar amount of what I thought our gross sales would be for that year. He agreed and decided he didn't need a personal guarantee or to check our credit. Needless to say we surpassed our goal of $100,000 in gross sales and in the second year we had increased our gross sales to $300,000.00. This was all built on a $2,000.00 investment and by using the law of attraction.

Simply said reality depends on the use of your imagination and not on some external factor. I am often reminded of Henry Ford when he said, "Think you can, think you can't, either way you're right." We have been socially conditioned to think in a certain way, in fact we have fallen under the spell of social conditioning. To break away from mass thinking is paramount to your success. I know that there will be times you will doubt the validity of "The Secret" or "Consciously Creating Wealth" but the only way you can prove it to yourself is to continue to hold fast by keeping your thinking positive and focused. Remember, you literally give birth to your experiences. When Albert Einstein remarked, "Imagination is more important than knowledge," he understood the law of attraction better than anyone.

Drop the attachment to your past, drop any resentment, fear or belief that doesn't work for you anymore so that you can start right now to begin creating the life you deserve. It dosen't matter what others think or what has gone on before in your life. The only thing that matters is this moment right now. Right now make a committment to yourself to hold strong in your thinking not giving any attention to what is happening in your life right now. You have to turn your back on any negative experiences, letting go of any negative feelings and begin to create the positive experiences you want right now. Run do not walk and get the movie "The Secret" and if you want to know more about "Consciously Creating Weath" visit my website or go to Remember your thinking can limit you or liberate you . . . it is all up to you . . . . what do you choose . . . . until next time . . . be well, happy and prosperous . . . Cody Horton


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